Saturday, December 09, 2006

Holiday Travel

By Bonnie Moss

The airways, the hi-ways and the bi-ways are extra busy during the holiday season.

Travel for adults only is much easier. However, with children and at times pets in tow, travel at any time can be stressful.

Preparing all the things needed for the trip takes time. If you do not believe in To Do List, this is one time a list would be very helpful. With all the errands and preparation for the season, it's so easy to forget things. This is not the time to leave packing to the last minute and hope to get your rest during the travel.

Prepare a list of what is needed, things and clothes to pack, checklist to keep your home safe while you are away. Post this list on the refrigerator door, or on your desk. Write things down on the list that comes to your mind. Get all the members of the family involved.

Things to pack:

If you have the room, set aside an area to put stuff, or make room. Encourage the children to help. They have a good idea of what they will need. It's easier to set things aside than to go looking for these at the last minute.

Learn to travel light, this is always helpful. Do not carry stuff that will take room or add weight to your luggage.

Stuff for check-in luggage:

- suitcase, yours and children's

- clothes, underthings , socks, sweaters

- toys for the children

-prescription pills- there are compact pill

holders for convenience

-toiletries, toothbruses and shaving stuff


-footwear-pack only the barest necessity

-camera, batteries and charger, films if you still use the old cameras. Some prefer to carry this item .

For carry–on, readily available to get at:

-car first aid kit, flashlights, spare blanket

-snacks/ drinks for children and you

-disposable wipes,

-some pills for headaches, cough , car sickness

-maps, directions, telephone numbers

-reading materials, in case of slowdown or delays

-for car travel- a spare radio

-charge your cell phone, keep the charger handy

-travel documents- with tightened security, make sure

you have these documents.


Don't wait till the last minute to fill up with gas. Check the tires, get that tune up and oil change if you are travelling any distance.

Your house:

Never leave your house unsecured at any time. If you will be away for any length of time, have a neighbor check in on the house, to pick up the mail and newspaper. Leave a number where you can be contacted

This is wintertime, make sure you will not come back to frozen water lines or sewer system. Do not forget to look after these.

A housecleaning before leaving would be in order. At least de-clutter and don't leave a pile of dirty dishes.

Make sure there is readily available food when you get back. You'll probably be too tired to worry about cooking. This is one time that microwable food will come in handy.


If you still believe in using cash when you can, don't wait till the last hour to get some cash, or hope to come by an ATM on the run.

Get your traveler's cheques ahead of time.

Be organized and save yourself the stress of last minute planning and packing.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in metaphysical subjects. Visit her website :

Article Source:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, is anyone out there influenced by movies as to where they travel to on holiday? I've just started a blog recently on this topic and would love to hear the thoughts and opinions of fellow travellers. The link is:

