Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Romance On The Orient Express

When it comes to luxury, romance and adventure there is no better holiday than a trip on the legendary Orient express. The train’s first journey was in 1883 and travelled from Paris to Romania. Now 114 years later the famous train is still going strong and vacations on the Orient Express are still as popular as ever.

The original journey is no longer available but that is not to say holidaymakers aren’t spoilt for choice.

The closest you can get to the trains maiden journey is the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express route. Travellers board the train at London’s Victoria Station and cross the channel for an overnight journey through France and into Switzerland. The luxurious train travels through the Swiss Mountains and the Austrian Alps before arriving at the beautiful city of Venice.

However, you don’t have to leave the UK to experience the beauty of Orient Express. Holidaymakers can take the train to the magnificent home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire - Chatsworth House.

After brunch on the train on the outward journey, the journey continues to Chatsworth where a tour of the house is given. Travellers are then are free to explore the house before the return journey. On the way back to London a glass of chilled champagne is served followed by a five-course dinner accompanied by half a bottle of wine and a liqueur to round off your meal

But, the best things, as they say, come in small packagers and day-trippers can enjoy an afternoon aboard the Northern Belle train. Taking in the stunning British countryside the journey includes a four-course dinner with champagne and wine.

Russ Pooley writes for Drake & Cavendish who provide a luxury hotel research directory featuring over 5,000 luxury hotels in over 700 resort locations around the world. As a content provider we are committed to developing entertaining and informative travel related information. You can read further articles and details at

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