Sunday, July 27, 2008

Indulge In A Greek Island Vacation


Greece is a country in the Southeastern point of Europe, occupying an area of 131, 957 square kilometers and a population amounting to about 11,000,000. Athens is the capital of Greece.

Mutuality Among Diversity

Crossroads of colors, cultures, and civilization are the main characteristics of Greece. A step into the country takes you back to the warmth and the grandeur of ancient and historic Greece that seems to be found only in books. Discover the evolutionary process of influence, experience, and thought in Greece.

Greece has a unique and affluent historical past that influenced its locals to gaze optimistically and confidently into the future. The country, despitebeing statistically small, is characterized by its huge diversity.

A WTO 15th Placer

Welcoming more than 14 million tourists annually, Greece ranked 15th on the World Tourism Organizationlist of countries with inbound tourism making it one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide.


Beautiful landscapes are captured in postcards but itsvibrant and animated way of life, needs to be lived in order to be appreciated.

Moments in Greece are a constant journey through time. Explore the breathtaking scenery, roam the beaches and Rocky Mountains, discover clusters of sparsely inhabited islands, and walk through ancient sites and olive groves. You will find that you’re traveling from the present to the past and back again.

Very attractive sceneries are available for travelers to explore. Protected and rare bird, animal and fauna species, as well as sensitive wetlands, ecosystems, and forests found safe dwellings in Greece. One will find extremely unique, natural, and rich landscapes decorating Epirus to Creta Island.

The long-standing history of Greece left a number of archeological sites and monuments, all preserved with their distinctive charm and prestige.

However, in the recent years, special forms of tourism invite guests from other countries. Programs such as religious tourism, therapeutic-spa tourism, agrotourism, ecological tourism, and many more began to develop in Greece. This resulted to guests visiting Greece not only because of its classical feel but also because they want to break the monotony of usual holiday celebration. Join activities such assightseeing, relaxing, and enjoying the unique experience offered by the country’s nature.

Being a country with vast wealth of folklore and cultural tradition, visitors choose to grab opportunities that enrich their travel to Greece by attending carious sports or cultural events held in every region of the country.

Shop Till You Drop

You will find shopping worthwhile in Greece. Visitors will be able to find something for every budget and purchase them at very reasonable prices. Shops cater to every tourist’s wishes and tastes.

Eat Something Greek

Greek cuisine is outstanding. Their dishes are famous all over the world and what better way to experience these delectable creations than in Greece. Unwind and dine in posh restaurants, mass-friendly taverns, livable bars and clubs.

Around Town

Transportation, on the other hand, became modernized and benefited both locals and tourists alike. Fast and safe traveling is guaranteed. Motorways, railroads, bridges, and ports were constructed. New ferries,trains, cars, and sea transportation opened foroperation. This became an important milestone in the improvement and development of travel in the country.

Royal Decision

Mythical and inspiring - that is Greece. Give yourself a break and spend time in Greece. You will find that taking a Greek Island Vacation will be yet the best decision you’ve ever made.

Be the goddess (or god) that you are in Greece!

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